Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Two key models in services marketing are the service gaps model and Essay

Two key models in services marketing are the service gaps model and the service profit chain. Discuss the ethos and elements of - Essay Example t, majority of research scholars including Parasuraman et al (1985 and 1988) have devoted their time in order to develop a replicable but reliable instrument with witch service quality gap can be measured. Fortunately, Parasuraman et al (1991, 1994) were successful in developing â€Å"SERVQUAL† scale which is one of the most commonly used scales for measuring the gap in the service quality. In the proposed SERVQUAL scale by Parasuraman et al (1985 and 1988), twenty two items have been incorporated in order to measure service gap in five service settings such as maintenance and repair of electrical appliances, telephone services (long distance), brokerage services, credit card services and retail banking services. However, modern marketers apply the SERVQUAL model to measure service quality gap in almost every service sector. Although the concept of service quality gap is widely accepted but there are research scholars such as Jabnoun and Khalifa (2005) and Landrum et al (2007) who have raised question over the validity service quality gap in service sectors which are categorized by involvement of high degree of psychometric properties. Managerial Implication In modern world, marketing managers of a service firm repeatedly use marketing jargons like customer driven service offering, continuous performance improvement and others, but interesting fact is that only few of them understand the practical implication of service quality gap Landrum et al (2007). Challenge for the marketing managers is to identify the gap in the service delivery and then allocate both financial & non-financial resources to reduce the gap. Any gap in the service delivery should be identified in terms of customer’s perspective by the managers. It is critical for marketing managers of a service...Challenge for the marketing managers is to identify the gap in the service delivery and then allocate both financial & non-financial resources to reduce the gap. Any gap in the servic e delivery should be identified in terms of customer’s perspective by the managers. It is critical for marketing managers of a service firm to identify the most cost effective way to close the service quality gaps.Service Quality. Discussion on service quality gap will be incomplete without shedding light on concepts like service quality. Wisniewski (2001) has pointed out that service quality is a relative term in context to industrial and organizational dimensions, for example, service quality indicators for a hospital cannot be equivalent with service quality indicators for a bank; hence one universally accepted definition of service quality is not possible. In such context, it can be said that although it is difficult to define service quality but the problem can be solved by identifying the gap in the service quality. According to Parasuraman et al (1985), service quality is the ability of the service firm to provide service according to expectation of customers; service quality gap is the difference between expected service quality by customers and perceived service. If perceived service quality is lower than the expected service quality, then customers get dissatisfied.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Article reflection Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Reflection - Article Example Larsen-Freeman and Long, (1999) have however discussed the second language acquisition from the culture of the western nations only and this therefore means that their research is only culture specific and cannot be generalized to other cultures in the world. According to Todd and Gonzalez, (2011), Different cultures have different language acquisitions and their first language is not always English. Further research therefore needs to be conducted which will lead to the application of information of SL, NNS and NS to other cultures or generalize the information above so that it considers other cultures as well and benefits their recipients such as the children equally. Even though Larsen-Freeman and Long, (1999) are not culturally competent in their discussion of second language acquisition my emulation of their information in teaching will involve offering specific attention to each student language-wise no matter their cultural differences. I believe that children are different from each other and the needs of one cannot be generalized to that of another. The information provided about second language acquisition has and will continue enabling me concentrate even more with the students also use the knowledge provided by Todd and Gonzalez, (2011), to try to bring them to the same level as the rest of the children. The research article together with the research by Todd and Gonzalez, (2011), has changed my understanding of the NS-NNS as well as the second language acquisition of the children which were previously misunderstood as cheekiness or even rudeness. The information gathered will lead to changing of thinking perspective and ensure putting more into the thought process and even engage in multi-dimensional thinking to avoid making assumptions and hence delaying to assist the people in need at the right time. One question about the